National Payroll Week 2022, 5th - 9th September

National Payroll Week

The CIPPs National Payroll Week is a unique platform where employees, employers, and payroll and HR teams come together to discuss the importance of payroll and HR in the business world. It also helps business owners to educate their employees on the importance of payroll management.

Apart from educating employees, business owners can also use this as an opportunity to seek advice from payroll and HR experts. This can help them in resolving their payroll-related issues.

What We Did Here at Finesse for NPW22

To help our community and business owners alike, we ran a free Payroll Surgery for anyone with a business or personal payroll question.

Our team of payroll specialists were available all throughout the week to offer free advice and assistance on anything Payroll related.

We took part in multiple seminars hosted by CIPP, these included:

- Payroll and Financial Wellbeing

- Workplace savings

- The future of payroll in a hyper-connected world

- Holiday pay

We also had an office party on the 7th of September; the Finesse team had a lot of fun celebrating all the great work we do for our clients as well as socialising, which we believe is important for any office environment.

Sadly, this year, as a sign of respect for the passing of Queen Elizabeth ll, the final day of NPW22 was cancelled.